Work on damage effects

Hello there! Currently we’re working on the main mechanics that will be present in game - movement and combat. I took on a task to create visual damage and would like to show some sneak pics of elemental effects. Currently done the effects for fire, frost, electric and toxin - the looks might still not be final.

I’ve used some custom made flipbook animations (spreadsheets) for flame and frost effects, which were created in Substance Designer. You can warp the image with some noise in multiple ways, creating a sense of motion this way, then save each image separately and combine into one texture. The final looks in engine are achieved by combining shader effects driven by one master material and Niagara particles.


We will explain how status effects work in another post, as we are still polishing the concept. But these visuals are awesome!

Also they have to be correctly optimized, because they can be spawned on many enemies at once, due to this fact it’s much more complex than “just creating the effect”, which is by itself a lot of work!

Love the progress. Thanks for keeping us in the loop too!


Ice one is the only one looking right hopefully optimized too.

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A thought what about wind damage saw this and thought of a farting bug

How could the wind be shown i guess there could be blurry effects around it with a red abdomen especially when it will let one rip hmm :poop:

The bug could use it to push things away, and could also use the enviroment to cause some havoc. I am not entirely sure if that is possible having too many of those could be annoying unless the wind powers are burst dmg.

The best combo is a melding tornado and some farting bugs prepare to be blasted away :upside_down_face:

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Yeah, trying to keep stuff optimised :slight_smile: How do you think the others could be changed\improved?

Hmm, that could make the combat more challenging, interesting idea, perhaps we’ll explore it in future :+1:


Are there high contrast colour for some to see better such as the effects?

Could also have various effect pattern or colour for different stages of rage starting of light to more intense when they are mad :boom:

Some effects have been changed a bit since last shown here, like the toxin one. These are elemental damage effects, not the frenzy indicator :slight_smile: But we might have a frenzy mechanic as well, which most probably be shown with UI