Respark Development Update: Connected!

Hey everyone,

It’s been a while, but we’re thrilled to bring you an exciting update! Our latest video showcases a major milestone that marks the beginning of Respark’s next phase. We’ve laid the groundwork, and now it’s time to start building the game itself. :movie_camera::sparkles:

Here’s what the team is up to as we dive into this new chapter:

:point_right: Hunter is starting to sweat a little as the upcoming playtest looms closer, knowing the balancing act of loot, resources, and rewards will soon land on his desk. The economy won’t balance itself, Hunter - but we believe in you! :money_with_wings::balance_scale:

:point_right: Storoj is creating some stunning new resource scanning effects, ensuring he can finally gather enough resources to craft KenoZuki’s long-awaited RGB toilet. Priorities have never been clearer. :gem::rainbow:

:point_right: Rasharn is locked in battle inside the Temple of C++, fearlessly squaring off against memory leaks and null pointers. His victories are the silent heroes behind our smooth gameplay. :bug::shield:

:point_right: Vega and Rikatemu are tag-teaming the development of both the client-side library and server tech in Rust. Together, they’re diving deep into the code to ensure a robust and seamless multiplayer experience. :robot::gear:

:point_right: Spitap is keeping the backend infrastructure running like a well-oiled machine, managing the complex web of systems our team relies on to keep moving forward. :zap::hammer_and_wrench:

:point_right: capsLOCK is working on designing the crafting terminal, where the RGB toilet and other essentials will finally come to life. The visual design is shaping up beautifully! :art::bulb:

:point_right: Shero is putting the finishing touches on the refactored Exoframe movement system, fine-tuning jet thrust for smooth and satisfying flight mechanics. It’s going to feel incredible to zoom around the world of Respark. :rocket:

There are more members of the team operating like Aero behind the scenes to keep everything working and progress growing, but soon they will put on Exoframes themselves and drop onto the planet.
This is where the journey truly begins. The systems are live, the groundwork is complete, and now it’s time to bring Respark to life. Check out the video to see how far we’ve come and get ready for what’s next.

Watch the video here:

– The Respark Team :fire::milky_way:


Playtest for this year or early next year?

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It is looking like early next year, but ive been overly optimistic before haha, I just get too excited!


That is good to be that way cannot lose the passion for the game.
Just avoid releasing one update such as here is a ultra high definition strand of hair for our new avatar \o/

That would be quite the anticlimax :sweat_smile:
In all seriousness enjoy the festive fun and holidays to you and all. Don’t eat too much sweeties they can make the tummy & teeth cry :nerd_face:

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So hyped! Progress is looking good!!

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