Greetings, everyone!
We have some exciting updates and news to share with you. It may look like a small update, but I assure you it’s not!
Meet SIN – Our New Support AI!
We are thrilled to introduce SIN, our friendly and knowledgeable AI, now live in the server. SIN is here to answer all your questions and keep the conversation going during quiet periods. He might even know some secrets about Respark that you don’t! But don’t worry, he won’t spoil too much. Say hello and feel free to ask SIN anything about Respark!
Current Focus: Networking
Our primary focus right now is on getting the networking… well, working! We understand how crucial a seamless online experience is for an MMO, and our team is dedicated to ensuring smooth and stable connections for all players all around the world. Stay tuned for more updates on our progress in this area.
Join Our Team
We are looking to expand our team and have some exciting opportunities available:
Programmer: If you have experience with C++ for Unreal Engine 5 and are familiar with Rust and Node.js for backend and frontend development, we’d love to hear from you!
Community Manager: We’re also searching for a passionate community manager to help us engage with our community and keep everyone informed and excited about Respark.
Anyone who is interested please PM me @hunter5683 or submit a ticket in # -join-the-team and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Looking Forward
As we enter summer (in most of the world), you can probably expect the pace to change a bit. Whether we’re working on something fun to show you all, or if its deep code, or me balancing the combat on spreadsheets. I promise you we are working… at least most of the time, do you know how hard it is balancing a dozen weapons??? Sometimes I need a nap…
Thank you for being a part of the Respark journey. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to us. Stay tuned for more updates and, as always, feel free to share your feedback and ideas with us. We thrive off that stuff!
Thank You,
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Its a little late here in our fourms, I know, we had some technical difficulties with the site at the release of the update.
Check out the new video, this ones a little different!
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After watching Atlas on netflix, my thoughts of SIN could be creating much sins but then i am over thinking hmm, perhaps its a good SIN with good intentions!
Hopefully so &, much rather ask questions to actual folks even though to be fair A.I can be a good tool in the right hands.
SIN is a prototype, I tested him for like 2 weeks, but didn’t expect Keno to put him through the ringer like he has. It has been a great learning experience for me. He is a gateway to more I assure you, and the more he is used, the better. Also, he is 1 of 2 I have running so far, the other is for devs and has a completely different training set,
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A.I would certainly be helpful, still a real person behind is more intriguing even if they disagree.
The augmentation does help to make the user more aware given that the A.I’s info is correct. Could give various answers to a particular problem that could be solved with different risk level and its efficiency to do so.
I mean i loved that show knight rider what a nice talking car and bhoy streethawk was super with the mode hyper thrust speed whooooooooooosh, yes cheesy for some but very good for my nostalgia mood imo 
I have some very fun, but also very very far off plans for AI, I’d say this test run was definitely a success!
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How far would you say these tests are in the grand scheme of progress e.g. 60% ready etc etc??
10-15% for the ones I am currently planning, building the training data is a pain, the second AI I have, Clu, is maxed on training data and does not have everything I want, but I don’t think the others I have planned will need as much data, but they will be more conversation based similar to SIN. SIN has taken a couple months of work and is less trained than any of the rest will be, but a lot of the data added since he has gone public has helped a ton and will help speed along the others. I wouldn’t expect the next one until late this year or early next year.
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