Bike Design & Customization

Bikes made travelling more fun in groups to soloing and exploring the world.

The main founder bike was a classic then the others available were more futuristic in its style. I feel that Firefall could of had more classic retro inspired variations including the futuristic bikes to provide more variety.




What if the customization could depend on your selected class and what you like to equip for the bike, an example could be:

  • Weapon options e.g. rechargable front mounted blaster, Mines, imploder nade launcher, stun repulser etc
    (Could depends on special ammo / energy )

  • Utility options e.g. Scanner, side cart, portable special ammo storage, etc
    (Could be activated again after a timed period)

  • Handling options .e.g Turbo boost, Power brakes v2, jump jets etc
    (Recharges so needs to be built up to use again)

  • Horn module e.g. squeeky dog toy horn, melodic, party horn etc
    (Add a bit of fun to greetings)

  • Style options e.g. neons, colour change, Flare etc

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100%. I loved my bike and I would love to see this too. Well done Panda.

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Another thing when the wheels charges up with electricity or flames before powering forward at incredible speeds that is so satisfying to see :sunglasses:

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